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Do at 3 o 'clock Let the LED brand marketing to win in the beginning Time:2014-05-09 Views:

The Internet to build a brand is not an easy thing, there are a lot of enterprises to burn a lot of RMB but went gone forever. So for the core principles of brand marketing has been and ever have substaintial distinction. Once the main direction of our strategy is based on market share as a benchmark, creating unique brand, to create unique value system, and now more should pay attention to is: "requirements, experience, customer satisfaction," whatever you do on the Internet any brand, adhere to the three points to enlarge, brand marketing successful dawn will or have a period!
More than we need to attach importance to enterprise brand marketing focus has three, respectively is: "requirements, experience, customer satisfaction", which involves the scope and the industry is very broad, for most industries, enterprises, are valid, applicable and feasible. (except, of course, similar to apple's enterprise). Be entered into the next to detail LED enterprises if put the three points into action (well done!
LED display of brand marketing "requirements"

When it comes to demand, as the name implies, is the customer need products, materials or services, but they think it may be simple, demand in the concept of brand marketing of psychological needs is just a layer. For example: "a little need to buy a mobile phone, but don't know what to buy brand of good, and worry about after-sale, confused don't know what to buy brand". Zhang want to buy mobile phones, this is a requirement, but his mental worry to buy what brand is good? How do after-sales service? This is his psychological needs. If you want to let the customer despite the psychological demand were so to solve this problem, otherwise there is no effect, even if the product can be shockingly low prices, xiao zhang is different also buy back, Ps: "the price war is the premise of trust".
Again, demand for now what should we do? Actually very simple, I do Internet marketing has the only adhering to the sentence is: "want to users, the user wishes", their demand is I to provide, they don't need I don't have any value, provide out is a waste of my time cost and manpower cost, the so-called do not please painfully, go looking for trouble, why?
LED display of brand marketing "experience"
When it comes to experience, is the need to a certain amount of data for analysis (especially scientific and reliable data). But see this article friend, maybe you are planning a certain brand, operation of a project, then the premise should be how to do? Two choice, either to find peers for certain data, the systematic analysis of user behavior, of course no peers will give it to you. So can hire staff have certain experience through his experience to complete before the period of the layout and positioning. And later, on the basis of conform to user requirements, to analyze the existing data, the user the product with high interest maximization, little attention is almost zero products can consider whether this had been unnecessary. This article is about the framework, the core of the brand marketing idea has specific marketing details but more than that. In fact, in other words, only one way to increase the user experience degrees data analysis, in addition to this there is no shortcut, don't know the user behavior, how to make the user experience?
If you do it is online brand marketing, data analysis, can use "Google" page of the upstream and downstream tools to analyze behavior, can also be used by looking at the PV and the comparison of the UV, to judge the overall situation of experience in today's web site.
Like microblogging marketing, soft marketing, of course, online marketing, integr
ated marketing, and so on each is a indispensable link, the distribution of the proportion of each marketing requires by professionals according to the product, and through the data analysis of user behavior, needs to do concrete analysis.
LED display brand marketing of "customer satisfaction"
Customer satisfaction, this link is an important link in maximizing brand. So what's included user satisfaction? As service, reputation, product price and after-sale problems, execution, and so on, is embodied in various aspects, anyhow we can't let one hundred percent customer satisfaction, but team must as far as possible to meet one hundred percent of the users for the guidelines to enforce every link.
Service does not reach the designated position, there will be no repeat customers, at the back of the mouth is much less. With service without word of mouth is definitely a link in addition to the problem, the solution is to use functional and user satisfaction surveys to find out problem. To know the word of mouth publicity value between the customer is unable to forecast. Product doesn't have to do the lowest price, but must conform to the market demand, meet the product user groups to afford (high performance price ratio of LED display), or for products can only be sold to the second generation!
After-sales problem has many bosses and I chat, have been upset about. There is a boss and I say: after-sales service network in a certain spot did a job without return, we also want to do, but no longer visible within the scope of our enterprise management, and is widely distributed, for these handle after-sales, day high and the emperor is far away, we say that one, really a very difficult. Difficult is not a problem, the problem is afraid of difficult. Know difficult, but very important. Have no detailed solution, just let the malignant development, loyal users so lost in the end, or even hate the brand, who and who?

Do a LED display brand with an LED display project is completely different, there is only one brand, but the brand can have a lot of projects, such as CREE, Japan, the social elite don't do LED lamp bead? Misses the user demand, the user experience, user satisfaction CREE, day and won't be today's outstanding achievements!

This article key words: BVSION HONGKONG CO.,LIMITED, BVSION, BVS, LCD screen, LCD, LCD driver, INNOLUX LCD screen,CHIMEI LCD, LCD module, Display panels, Display, A gauge panel, A + screen, LCD module, the original screen, screen, assembly of the original screen, LCD, LCD panle, Display, LCD monitrator, 7 inch LCD, 7 inches LCD screen, 8 inches LCD screen, 9 inches LCD screen, 10.2 -inch LCD screen, 10.4 -inch LCD screen, AT070TN90 v. 1, AT080TN64, CHIMEI LCD screen, CHIMEI INNOLUX, vehicle-mounted LCD screen, machine screen, car navigation screen, car navigation, navigation LCD screen, car DVD, LCD and thriving electronic, prosperity of science and technology, headrest LCD screen, group of agents, group and small size LCD screen, industrial control panel, medical equipment dedicated LCD, TP, AT070TN83V. 1, AT080TN64, AT070TN92, AT070TN94, EJ080NA - 05 b, EJ080NA - 04 c, EJ080NA05 b, LSA40AT9001, ZJ070NA - 01 p, ZJ080NA - 08 A,,HJ080IA-01F,HJ080IA-01B,HJ070IA-02D, touch screen,
This paper is derived from the network.

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