
Gradations of color led display is gray or gray, is refers to the brightness of light and shade degree. For digital display technology, gray level is to display the number of color. In general gray level is higher, the screen showed the more colorful, the picture is more exquisite, more abundant details.
Led display gray level mainly depends on the A/D conversion system. Of course system of video processing chip, storage and transmission system to provide all the support of the digits. At present domestic LED display mainly adopts eight processing system, namely 256 (28) grey level. Simple understanding is a total of 256 from black to white brightness changes. Use RGB trichromatic can constitute a 256 x 256 x 256 = 16777216 colors. Known as the 16 million colors. International brand display mainly adopts 10 processing system, namely a level 1024 grayscale, RGB color can comprise 1.07 billion colors.
Gray though is to determine the number of color decision factors, but is not to say that restrict the bigger the better. Because first of all, the resolution of the human eye is limited, moreover the improvement of system processing digits involving system video processing, storage, transmission, scanning the change of each link, such as costs, price declines. In general civil or commercial grade products can be used in a 8-bit systems, broadcast products can use 10 systems.
Brightness identification levelBrightness identification level refers to the human eye can distinguish between the image from the black to the white brightness level. Display the grey scale of some high, above mentioned levels up to 256 or 1024. But because the human eye sensitivity to the brightness is limited, and cannot fully identify the grey scale. That is to say, may be a lot of adjacent levels of gray eyes look identical. And eyes resolution per each are not identical. For display, the level of human recognition nature is the more the better, because the display image is, after all, give a person look. The brightness of the human eye can distinguish level, the more means that the display of color space, the greater the show colorful potential. Brightness identify class can use special software to test, general display can reach more than 20 level even better grades.
Gray nonlinear transformation
Gray nonlinear transformation refers to the gray level data according to the empirical data or some kind of arithmetic of nonlinear relationship between transformation provided to display shows again. Since the LED is a linear device, and the traditional nonlinear display different characteristics. In order to be able to make the LED display can conform to the traditional data sources without loss of gray level, general level after the LED display system can do gray level data of nonlinear transform, transform the data bits can increase after (guarantee without losing data value).
Now some domestic control system supplier so-called gray level 4096 or 16384 grey level or higher are gray space size after a nonlinear transform. 4096 level is adopted eight source to 12 nonlinear transformation technology of the space, class of 16384 is using nonlinear transformation technology of 8 bit to 16 bit. By the eight source for nonlinear transformation, the transformed space certainly bigger than eight source. Generally at least 10. Like gray, this parameter is not the bigger the better, usually 12 can do enough transformation.
So for the size of the gray level and brightness, is not the bigger the better, but according to customer needs, proper grayscale and luminance it will take to the unexpected effect.
This article key words: BVSION HONGKONG CO.,LIMITED, BVSION, BVS, LCD screen, LCD, LCD driver, INNOLUX LCD
screen,CHIMEI LCD, LCD module, Display panels, Display, A gauge panel, A + screen, LCD module, the original screen, screen, assembly of the original screen, LCD, LCD panle, Display, LCD monitrator, 7 inch LCD, 7 inches LCD screen, 8 inches LCD screen, 9 inches LCD screen, 10.2 -inch LCD screen, 10.4 -inch LCD screen, AT070TN90 v. 1, AT080TN64, CHIMEI LCD screen, CHIMEI INNOLUX, vehicle-mounted LCD screen, machine screen, car navigation screen, car navigation, navigation LCD screen, car DVD, LCD and thriving electronic, prosperity of science and technology, headrest LCD screen, group of agents, group and small size LCD screen, industrial control panel, medical equipment dedicated LCD, TP, AT070TN83V. 1, AT080TN64, AT070TN92, AT070TN94, EJ080NA - 05 b, EJ080NA - 04 c, EJ080NA05 b, LSA40AT9001, ZJ070NA - 01 p, ZJ080NA - 08 A,,HJ080IA-01F,HJ080IA-01B,HJ070IA-02D, touch screen,
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