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In 2014 the new blue ocean, small spacing LED display screen system and rental market Time:2014-06-07 Views:

LED display industry has stepped into mature and stable stage of development, but in recent years, high-end rental and to give priority to dozen of high-density LED small spacing segment of the market is becoming drive LED display companies such as inverse city several new momentum of growth. In recent years, with mature technology and gradually reduce the cost, small spacing LED small spacing will speed up to replace traditional screen splicing wall products.

In 2014, many of the LED display manufacturers to look at the same time focus on LED small spacing in the market, or for a long time in the traditional LED display product homogeneity becomes more and more serious, such as price war and low gross margin after dilemma, to obtain high profit growth point.

In XX, for example, the gross profit margin on its TV LED small spacing is about 37.7%, this figure compared with the current LED display industry average profit margins is less than 20%, enough to make many display manufacturer. On the one hand, LED small spacing product can make the enterprise with higher profits from traditional product price war "red sea", and on the other hand, enterprises can also be because of its high technology threshold quickly entered the path of differentiation, to a certain extent, improve industry position.

In addition, the high-end rental LED screen area is in recent years, LED display manufacturer also focused on digging the blue ocean.

In addition, * * * group last month also released a new generation of LED rental screen products, their purpose self-evident, aims to accelerate the promotion of high-end rental market share in the field of screen.

This article key words: BVSION HONGKONG CO.,LIMITED, BVSION, BVS, LCD screen, LCD, LCD driver, INNOLUX LCD screen,CHIMEI LCD, LCD module, Display panels, Display, A gauge panel, A + screen, LCD module, the original screen, screen, assembly of the original screen, LCD, LCD panle, Display, LCD monitrator, 7 inch LCD, 7 inches LCD screen, 8 inches LCD screen, 9 inches LCD screen, 10.2 -inch LCD screen, 10.4 -inch LCD screen, AT070TN90 v. 1, AT080TN64, CHIMEI LCD screen, CHIMEI INNOLUX, vehicle-mounted LCD screen, machine screen, car navigation screen, car navigation, navigation LCD screen, car DVD, LCD and thriving electronic, prosperity of science and technology, headrest LCD screen, group of agents, group and small size LCD screen, industrial control panel, medical equipment dedicated LCD, TP, AT070TN83V. 1, AT080TN64, AT070TN92, AT070TN94, EJ080NA - 05 b, EJ080NA - 04 c, EJ080NA05 b, LSA40AT9001, ZJ070NA - 01 p, ZJ080NA - 08 A,,HJ080IA-01F,HJ080IA-01B,HJ070IA-02D, touch screen,

This paper is derived from the network.

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